No-Code App Builder

Build Interactive Smartphone Apps in Real-Time

The Atlas One No-Code App Builder is a modern content-management system for building real-time mobile apps. Create on-demand experiences for residents to access important information and services at their fingertips.

No-Code App Builder

Design and publish on-demand content and resources

Intuitive drag and drop interface without writing a single line of code

Deploy new apps and updates within minutes

Engaging App Experiences

Engage your community with on-demand and interactive resources

Create collections of important information, such as directories, guides, maps, news stories, important links, and much more!

Engaging App Experiences

Modern Content Management

A modern content management system for public safety

The Atlas One Content Management System (CMS) allows your organization to record and structure important data in a single location, such as direct access to helpful online services, FAQs, resources, staff contact details, news, maps, and other useful assets.

Modern Content Management

Drag-and-drop Interface

Create interactive mobile app experiences without writing a single line of code

Our easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface will allow you to create an interactive smartphone application full of excellent graphics, information, and resources in a matter of minutes with existing photos or included templates and illustrations.

Drag-and-drop Interface

Real-Time Publishing

Deploy apps to iOS and Android instantaneously

You’ll never have to wait for Apple or Google to review and approve your applications. Simply press publish and your apps and guides will immediately be available to your community.

Real-Time Publishing

Our Products

A suite of world-class products to modernize your communications

Modern Reverse-911

Automatically send the public alerts about nearby 911 calls

Atlas One sits on top of your 911 CAD system and automatically sends customized reverse-911 alerts to the public about nearby incidents and for certain calls for service.

Modern Reverse-911

Our Platform

The most advanced community engagement platform ever built

We built Atlas One so government and public safety organizations can communicate, engage, and support their customers with the same sophistication, scale, and precision as the world's leading digital brands.

Our Platform

Talk with an expert

Connect with an Atlas One product expert today to learn how to modernize your communication strategy.